Cardite #623
Rust Remover - Metal Brightener - Film and Scum Remover. Liquid.
Removes rust stains, metal tarnish, light rust, and other oxides. Also effective for soap film, light oil
films, and water spots. Use on all metals including aluminum and soft alloys; also painted surfaces,
glass, rubber, plastics, concrete, porcelain, ceramic tile, brick, quarry tile, flagstones, textiles, fiberglass,
formica, plastic wall tile, asphalt tile, vinyl tile, circuit boards, and other materials known to be safe in
dilute phosphoric acid solutions. USDA Authorized. Colorless; details on request.
Metalterj #612
Rust Remover - Scale Remover - Metal Brightener. Liquid.
Removes rust and hard-water scale from iron and steel. Removes oxidation from brass and bronze.
Typical applications are: cleaning interiors of spray washers, dishwashers, heat exchangers, heating
coils, pumps, valves, pipes. Contains hydrochloric acid and penetrants; after cleaning, ferrous metals
require thorough rinsing, all ferrous metals, except stainless steel, require rust inhibition. Red; details
on request.
Metalbrite #2081
Metal Brightener. Liquid.
Removes oxidation from all metals. Very fast action on aluminum. If very dirty, clean first with
suitable cleaner, then brighten. Contains penetrants and mixed acids. Blue; details on request.
The products above are recommended for removing oxides and hard-water scale by immersion, spray or
recirculation. For brightening metals in vibratory, spindle or tumbling machines, use Aluminate #5059.
For removing all types of paints, varnishes, resins, and most other organic coatings including those with high resistance to chemicals such as baked epoxies and certain isocyanates. For removing carbon deposits, as from DETACHED carburetors and similar metal objects.
Apply by methods shown. Keep surface wet until coating is removed, or liquefied, or wrinkled. Time required may be as little as 5 minutes, rarely more than 30 minutes. Some products can be used hot as heat increases effectiveness and reduces time needed. Remove any residue with stiff brush or scraper or steel wool, or by rinsing with water or suitable solvent such as mineral spirits or turpentine, or by any combination of methods that are needed. If water is used, hotter is better, a suitable detergent may improve performance and a pressure washer or steam cleaner may help. To prevent rust on iron and steel, hot water improves evaporation. For assured rust prevention use hot water and a combination detergent/rust preventive like Metalterj #1520, page B1, or a suitable rust inhibitor, page B7. Products shown below with “ammonia odor” contain ammonia. Ammonia helps removal and its odor is a built-in warning against inhalation.
Removers called “Cardisolvs” are harmless to all metals and stone-like materials such as concrete and ceramics. Wood is usually slightly fuzzy after paint is removed, especially if water-rinsed. To minimize sanding, use as little water as possible. These products are harmful to most plastics; test before using on plastics and apparent wood veneers -- some apparent wood veneers -- some apparent veneers are plastic.
THICK LIQUIDS -- For Use By Paint-On -- These Products Cling To Vertical Surfaces
Use cold. Use full strength. An effective product for removing the raw components of coatings by the
paint-on method. Intended as a pre-solv or for dry coatings. Almost colorless, translucent, no flash
point, poison, ammonia odor; details on request.
Cardisolv #MCE
Use cold. Use full strength. An effective product for removing dry coatings by paint-on. Almost
colorless, translucent, no flash point, poison, ammonia odor; details on request.