Cardinal Chemical Corporation
Manufacturing Chemists

719 Bush Street; Toledo, OH 43604
1-800-876-SOAP(7627) ;


Parts Detergents, Rust Inhibitors, Rust & Scale Removers-Metal Brighteners, Paint and Carbon Removers

Bulk Transport Tank and Tote Tank Cleaners

Steam Cleaning and Pressure Washing Compounds

Ink and Coatings Cleaners

Car and Truck Wash Products

Janitorial Products

Laundry Products

Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Scale Remover - Rust Remover - Oxidation Remover

Scale Remover

Use on heating coils, heat exchangers, spray washers, dishwashers, pumps, valves, pipes and similar equipment. Metalterj #612 is effective against complex mixtures of scale --- it removes both rust and water-borne mineral deposits, usually calcium and magnesium.

Dilute 1:10 water, about 13 ounces per gallon. A common method of cleaning is by recirculation with a pump or by operating the equipment so that it recirculates the solution. Soak small parts or immerse and agitate the solution if possible. When scale is removed, rinse with tap water, neutralize with alkaline cleaner if necessary and apply suitable rust inhibitor is necessary; see “Rust Ban”.

SEE BELOW: General Directions and Precautions.

Rust Removal

Use on all iron and steel surfaces. Use full strength or diluted up to 1:20 water depending on quantity of rust, time available, temperature of the cleaning solution, and degree of agitation provided by the method used.

Apply by any method that will keep the surface wet long enough to remove the rust; scrubbing or any type of agitation hastens removal. When clean, rinse with tap water, apply suitable rust inhibitor; see “Rust Ban”.

SEE BELOW: General Directions and Precautions.

Oxidation Removal

Recommended for copper, brass, and bronze. Use only with caution on other metals; may discolor aluminum and other soft metals and alloys.

Dilute about 1:20 water depending on degree of oxidation and speed required. Usually used by immersing parts, but any method of application may be used. When clean and bright, rinse with tap water.

SEE BELOW: General Directions and Precautions.

General Directions

Use acid-resistant containers and pumps such as rubber, plastic, or stainless steel; bronze pumps have fair resistance.

Use normally at ambient temperature; higher temperatures increase speed of removal but equally good results can be secured at ambient temperature.

Composition - Properties - Hazard Classes - Precautions

Contains hydrogen chloride, nonyl phenoxy polyethoxy ethanol, colorant, water.

Physical stateliquid
Appearance and colorclear red
Viscosity at 68F/20Clow, about 0.8 cp
Solubility in watermiscible
Solubility in common petroleum distillatesnegligible
Fire Hazardnoncombustible
Freeze point, lower than32F/zero C
Specific Gravity1.15
pH undiluted 0
Stability of organicsbiodegradable
Surface Tension at 1:20 water, dynes per cm28
Manufacturing Chemists Association classnonflammable
DOT-hazard labelcorrosive

DANGER! POISON! Contains hydrochloric acid. May be fatal if swallowed. Causes chemical burns; avoid contact with skin and especially eyes, avoid inhalation of vapor. Use rubber boots or water-proof soles if walked on; leather not adequate. Use rubber or neoprene gloves for hand immersion; use safety goggles where needed. For industrial use only. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

For eyes: Wash with water for at least 15 minutes.
For skin: Flood the area with water using soap freely. Cover with moist baking soda or magnesia.
If swallowed: Call physician immediately. Drink teaspoonful or more of milk or raw egg whites.