For Tank Trucks - Tank Cars - Tote Tanks - Cooking Vats - Storage Tanks
Interior Detergents For STEEL, SS, LINED Tanks:
Metalterj #222
Tank Cleaner. Liquid.
Usually the most cost-efficient detergent for removing common substances such as the petroleum
products, vegetable oils and cutting oils which are common in the chemical-transport and food
industries. Very low foam at any temperature over 100F. Amber; details on request.
Metalterj #1495
Tank Cleaner With Booster Solvent. Liquid.
For removing both common and detergent-resistant substances. The detergent-solvent combination
removes many resins, latexes, asphalts and similar substances which are difficult or impossible to
remove with detergents alone. Very low foam at any temperature, noncombustible. Amber; details
on request.
Cardite #422
Tank Cleaner. Bottle Wash Compound. Liquid.
USDA-authorized. Same as Metalterj #222 above. For uses where foods or beverages are involved
as in cooking vats, storage tanks, transport of food-grade products, bottle washing, and other food-
industry cleaning which is normally done with highly alkaline detergents. Amber; details on request.
Caustic Soda
Caustic Soda used without proper additives is a relatively poor cleaner; when used with Cardite #170,
an additive, it is an excellent low-cost cleaner.
Most users of caustic soda prefer the liquid form, a water solution, because it is easier to use and safer
to handle. But since common 50% liquid caustic freezes at 58F, it frequently can not be shipped when
needed and requires relatively high temperatures for storage. Either of the low freeze grade liquids
below can be shipped and stored under most weather and storage conditions.
Caustic Soda 25%
Liquid. Freeze Point: 0 F. 25% wgt Caustic Soda. 10.66 pounds per gallon. Almost colorless;
details on request.
Caustic Soda #LFG
Liquid. Freeze Point: 30 F. 50% wgt Caustic Soda. 12.6 pounds per gallon. Contains 1% freeze depressant which is beneficial in cleaning applications because it reduces surface tension. In non-cleaning applications, test for suitability before use. Amber; details on request.
Interior Detergents For ALL Tanks Including Aluminum:
Metalterj #286
Tank Cleaner With Booster Solvent. Liquid.
For removing both common and detergent-resistant substances. The detergent-solvent combination removes many resins, latexes, asphalts and similar substances which are difficult or impossible to
remove with detergents alone. Will not corrode or discolor any metal including aluminum and
other soft metals and alloys. Very low foam at any temperature over 100F, noncomubistible. Amber;
details on request.
Metalterj #288
Interior and Soak Tank Detergent With High-Performance Booster Solvent. Liquid.
For removing both common and detergent-resistant substances. Removes many resins, latexes, asphalts
and similar substances which are difficult or impossible to remove with detergents alone. Near zero foam
at any temperature. Hard water treated. Amber; details on request.
Detergent Additives:
Cardite #170
Surfactant - Emulsifier - Chelant. Liquid.
Greatly increases the wetting, emulsifying and rinsing properties of alkaline solutions. Use to make concentrates or use-solutions. It is soluble and stable in solutions. It is soluble and stable in solutions containing up to 55% by weight anhydrous caustic soda or caustic soda or caustic potash, and in solutions containing other alkalies up to their solubility limit.
At recommended usage levels, use-solutions contain sufficient surfactant, emulsifier and chelant for all uses including rust removal and uses where rinsing is critical as in bottle washing and for very difficult industrial uses such as the removal of paint, carbon, resins, rust, latexes, asphalts and heavy lubricants. Amber; details on request.
Cardite #502
Surfactant - Emulsifier - Chelant w/Booster Solvent. Liquid.
Same as Cardite #170 above with a high-performance booster solvent added for removal of carbonaceous and resinous substances that are difficult or impossible to remove with detergents alone. Amber; details on request.
Pre-solv and Booster Solvents:
To remove paints, inks, asphalt, carbon deposits, resins, latexes, and similar substances which are components of or intermediates for paints, inks, or plastics.
THIN LIQUID -- For Use By Immersion Or Re-circulation Or Vaporization:
Cardisolv #6813
Use cold. Use full strength. Recommended for most substances. Pale amber, no flash point, poison, ammonia odor; details on request.
Cardisolv #DP3
Use cold. Use full strength. For some substances, #DP3 may be more effective than #6813, especially when the job requires that vaporization method be used. Blue, no flash point, does not require poison label, characteristic solvent odor; details on request.
THIN LIQUID -- For Use By Immersion Or Re-circulation:
#4850 Add to any detergent solution, alkaline
or acid. Colorless liquid, flash point 242F, boil point 215F, TLV is above the
vapor saturation point; details on request.
Cardisolv #7674
Add to any detergent solution. Especially effective on can liner. Amber liquid, flash point 250F, boil point 470F, no known vapor hazard; details on request.
Cardisolv #9146
Use hot or cold. Use full strength. Our lowest cost non-chlorinated pre-solv. Ideal product for many polymers. Blue-green, non flammable, citrus-solvent odor; details on request.
Cardisolv #9148
Use hot or cold. Use full strength or as an additive. Blend of solvents used in #9146 (above) and #9150 (below) Will pre-solv a broader range of resins and latexes than #9146. Lower cost than #9150. Light amber, non-flammable, solvent-ester odor; details on request.
Cardisolv #9150
Use hot or cold. Use full strength or as an additive. Will dissolve most resins and latexes. Cleans can coating with ease. Less expensive and more versatile than Cardisolv #MBAO (above). Colorless, non-flammable, mild solvent odor; details on request.
Cardisolv #CRA
Add to any alkaline detergent solution. In hot caustic solution, #CRA also removes rust. Amber liquid, no flash point, boil point 205F, poison, vapor harmful, skin contact harmful; details on request.
Cardisolv #MBAO
Use hot or cold. Use full strength or as an additive. Use #MBAO only when other products have proved ineffective -- #MBAO is very expensive. Use hot if necessary, up to 190F. Colorless, flash point 199F, boil point 395F, TLV is above vapor saturation point, evaporates slower than water; details on request.
Use hot or cold. Use full strength or as an additive. Will dissolve most resins and latexes. Developed for automotive paints and intermediates, this is the most versatile pre-solv/booster solvent. Less expensive than comparable products. Colorless, flash point 150F, boil point 336F, pleasant odor; details on request.
THICK LIQUID -- For Use By Paint-On -- Clings to Vertical Surfaces:
Cardisolv #6812
Use cold. Use full strength. Almost colorless, translucent, no flash point, poison, ammonia odor; details on request.
Superblend Plus
Use cold. Use full strength. No chlorinated solvents, alcohols, or ammonia. Colorless, flash point 150F, pleasant odor; details on request.