Manufacturing Chemists
719 Bush Street; Toledo, OH 43604 |
PRODUCT INFO: Parts Detergents, Rust Inhibitors, Rust & Scale Removers-Metal Brighteners, Paint and Carbon Removers Bulk Transport Tank and Tote Tank Cleaners Steam Cleaning and Pressure Washing Compounds Miscellaneous Chemical Products
Cardite #502 Cardite #502 maximizes the effectiveness and efficiency of solutions containing caustic soda. Use in caustic solutions to remove oily soils, rust, paint, carbon, engine “varnish”, ink, latexes, resins, paper labels, aluminum labels, many other substances. Use on ferrous metals, glass, plastic, and other materials known to be safe in highly alkaline solutions.
... high-performance booster solvent dissolves broad range of difficult materials, Relatively nonhazardous. Experience indicates no harm to normal skin under normal use conditions. Avoid contact with eyes; for contact, rinse with water. Keep out of reach of children. BUT CAUSTIC SODA IS EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS; see Caustic Soda data page for appropriate safety precautions. Typical Applications
Use Solutions Use solutions are normally based on % caustic soda needed in cleaning solution plus proper proportion of Cardite #502. Solutions containing 1% thru 10% caustic soda are common use solutions. 4% or less is adequate for most parts cleaning during manufacturing. 4% or more is required by most state laws for bottle washing. 4% thru 16% solutions are used for very difficult cleaning such as removal of rust and paint, cleaning very dirty process equipment, tank trucks, storage tanks and vats. In most applications, use solutions need be only approximately accurate. Using more than required does not affect cleaning costs where solutions are used as long as effective and replenished as needed; if more than needed is used, the solution will clean longer before addition is required. Quantity of Cardite #502 Required Cardite #502 must be used in proportion to the quantity of caustic soda. In the table below, whole numbers are used for simplicity but quantities shown are accurate enough for most industrial uses. “Caustic Wanted” column indicates DRY caustic soda, NaOH. ---To Make ONE HUNDRED Gallons Solution---
Under operating conditions, solutions can be titrated for caustic content to find when additions must be made to bring up to desired strength; order Test Kit #502. When more caustic is added, Cardite #502 must be added at: 1.0 gallon Cardite #502 per 5.4 gallons Caustic Soda 25%. Use Temperature & Time Required Common industrial soils such as cutting and lubricating oils, rust inhibitors and buffing compounds can be removed “cold” at ambient temperatures. Bottle washing usually must be done hot to conform to state law. Baked-on carbon, many chemicals carried in tank trucks, heavy rust, and chemical-resistant paints can be removed only at temperatures of 180F/82C or higher. One to 15 minutes is normally required for parts. The time required for equipment varies greatly. Some dirt is removed at once on contact, several hours may be required for severe conditions. Choice of Form of Caustic Soda Liquid forms of caustic soda, Caustic Soda 25% or 50%, are easier, safer and more efficient to use than dry caustic -- liquids eliminate the hazardous mixing of dry caustic with water; liquids can be conveniently measured by volume instead of weight; liquids can be pumped from a drum or storage tank through a closed system directly to the cleaning operation; liquids can be automatically metered for accurate dilutions. Caustic Soda 25% freezes at zero F; it can be shipped and stored under most conditions. Caustic Soda 50% freezes at 58F; it must be shipped and stored under conditions that assure the solution will remain warmer than 58F. Pumps - Tanks - Valves - Pipe Cardite #502 is non-corrosive but caustic soda is very corrosive to brass, bronze, and aluminum. Recommended for both are: cast iron or steel pumps, steel or plastic tanks, steel valves and black iron pipe. If galvanized pipe is used, zinc will dissolve in caustic solutions. Stainless steel is good but not necessary. |