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Oil-Modified Urethane Finish For Wood Hard - Easily Recoated - Very Pale Color
Coverage Per Gallon
First Coat On Sanded Floor
| 400-500 square feet |
Any Recoat
| 500-700 square feet |
Drying Time
Tack Free ................
| 15 minutes |
Between Coats
| 8 hours |
Before Play .................
| 3 days |
Composition - Properties - DOT Class - Precautions
Contains oil-modified urethane resin in aliphatic solvent
Physical State
.... liquid | Viscosity @ 68ΊF/20ΊC..
. 400cp |
. pale amber | Freeze Point, less than
... -20Ί |
Odor ....
. mild | Flash Point
.. 105ΊF |
Specific Gravity
.... 0.96 | DOT-Hazard Lable
None |
Combustible, air-dry finish - provide the same ventilation as needed for solvent-base paints.
Comparison To Industry Specifications
Bases on specifications and/or standards of: Maple Floor Manufacturers Association, American Society for Testing and Materials, and Manufacturing Chemist Association.
Industry Specification/Standard | Gym Finish #40U |
Clear, no specks or sediment | Clear, no specks or sediment |
Resistant to skinning | Resistant to skinning |
Color: #12 Gardner maximum | Color: #11 Gardner |
Viscosity: C Gardner maximum | Viscosity: B Gardner |
| |
Solids: 40% | Solids: 40% minimum |
Flash Point: 100ΊF minimum | Flash Point: 105ΊF minimum |
Dry in 7 hours @ 70ΊF, 60% RH | Dry in 6.5 hours @ 70ΊF, 60% RH |
Sward hardness: specify | Sward hardness: 43 |
| |
Mandrel flex test: specify | Mandrel flex test: No cracks |
Sheen: Good | Sheen: Good |
Adhesion: Good | Adhesion: Good |
Uniformity, patched: Good | Uniformity, patched: Good |
| |
Resistant to cold water | Resistant to cold water |
Resistant to 50% alcohol | Resistant to 50% alcohol |
Resistant to naphtha | Resistant to naphtha |
| |
Suitable for solvent wax | Suitable for solvent wax |
Suitable for emulsion wax | Suitable for emulsion wax |
Abrasion coefficient: 140 | Abrasion coefficient: 143 |
On most gym floors and other wood floors where existing finish has not worn through, excellent results are secured by simply cleaning and re-coating with Gym Finish #40U. Machine-scrub the floor with water and a good detergent using a nylon stripping pad. Lustreen detergent or similar product is recommended. Rinse thoroughly and let dry. Apply Gym Finish #40U with a wool applier. One coat is normally enough.
If worn through to bare wood or last top-coat was moisture-cure urethane, discing or sanding is probably needed. Call for specific recommendations.