Cardinal Chemical Corporation
Manufacturing Chemists

719 Bush Street; Toledo, OH 43604
1-800-876-SOAP(7627) ;


Parts Detergents, Rust Inhibitors, Rust & Scale Removers-Metal Brighteners, Paint and Carbon Removers

Bulk Transport Tank and Tote Tank Cleaners

Steam Cleaning and Pressure Washing Compounds

Ink and Coatings Cleaners

Car and Truck Wash Products

Janitorial Products

Laundry Products

Miscellaneous Chemical Products

RUST BAN #4341
Rust Inhibitor

Protects iron and steel against rust for up to two years inside, without heat, at ambient, humidity.

Surface must be clean and dry. Use full strength or dilute with 30 parts Stoddard solvent. For best results, apply by immersion or spray; may be painted on or wiped on. Forms a soft, transparent, lubricant film suitable for stamping. Treated parts can be machined or stamped; remove with alkaline detergent or solvent before welding or painting.

Green liquid. 100% organic; no nitrites; no chromates.

Caution! COMBUSTIBLE; contains paffinic hydrocarbons; flash point: 260°F.